About Us

Loramar Services is a family run company that
has been supporting Individuals Since 1989

What we do

Since 1989, Loramar Services has been supporting individuals with disabilities. We provide residential service support, and currently have the capacity to serve 20 Individuals in supportive room-mate scenarios.

All Individuals in the home participate in the maintenance and day to day running of the home along with acquiring the ADL skills to enable them to live as independently as possible to the best of their abilities.

Artwork by
Kassidy Storm

Our History

Loramar Services began serving clients in 1989, under Services to Persons with Disabilities. Initially the majority of the clients had M.S., as the agency’s founder Lorraine Laverdure has previously worked with the MS society. In 1991 Loramar was incorporated and at this point the agency began to take on more of our traditional developmentally disabled client population. The agency was a residential service operating 3 overnight staffed residences and monitoring 7 Supportive Roommates. The agency changed its name in 2004, to Loramar Services Ltd.

Organization Structure

Loramar Services Ltd. (Loramar) is a privately owned company incorporated under the Alberta Corporations Act.

Alberta Human Services Ministry, Disability Services Division (DSD), Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) is the sole funder of services offered by Loramar Services. Loramar Services is in PDD’s Calgary Region.

Loramar Services runs as a consortium of self-employed Sub-Contractors who provide monitoring, residential support, and respite services for Individuals with developmental disabilities. Most Sub-Contractors offer residential supports from their homes.

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Our Services